we are
"we are" is a thesis exploration challenging traditional barriers through the lens of Generation 1.5, a group of individuals who have experience living in multiple cultural atmospheres, and the syncretism of cuisine.
Food tells the story of us. It reflects our cultural identities and can act as a vehicle to share this aspect of ourselves. What better way to connect than through food?
Through a podcast series entitled “Cuisine of Culture”, we explore the concept of Gen 1.5 and how food plays a role in their culture. A photobook publication accompanies this body of work; exploring food commonalities that revolve around various food cultures in our world today. Click here to browse the digital publication of the photobook publication.
"we are" participated in OCAD University's 103rd Annual Graduate Exhibition in May 2018.
The Cuisine of Culture - A Podcast
Below are some screenshots of the website I created for the podcast series: "Cuisine of Culture".
The Cuisine of Culture - Website
A video walkthrough of the website created for the podcast.
Podcast Episodes
Here are the three final episodes from the podcast series. Have a listen if you’d like.
Layered Richness - A photobook publication
A photobook publication: "Layered Richness", accompanies this body of work. This book explores food commonalities that revolve around various food cultures in our world today. Click here to browse the digital publication of the photobook publication.
What’s Next?
A spinoff project from my thesis exploration. A passion project titled “Mama’s Laok” was born in the middle of a global pandemic (c. September 2020) and I am so excited to share with you what is to come!